Sunday, January 20, 2019

Velocity of Failure

The twin to the velocity of change is the velocity of failure and these two opposite actions are closely related and end up driving each other in increasing discontinuous cycles. These are increasingly related and a failure to meet the velocity of change will surely increase the velocity of failure but meeting the velocity of change can also increase failure as well. The challenge in meeting these demands is the knowledge of insight and direction of the change. The challenge to obtaining the knowledge is the data collection and analytics required to collect and develop the knowledge from the data. There is really no way around this challenge because the velocity and types of change will surely overrun any retailer that ignores the challenge. What we should have learned from Amazon is that change is iterative and very much a trial and error process and this must be embraced in order to succeed in change.

This is no time to wait for the change to be identified by the industry to react and implement the change. The level and also types of change will interact and react in ways that create all new changes and the only thing that really can be predicted is that the rate of change will only increase, bringing with it an increased velocity of failure. This can be extremely intimidating for large retailers because they are not generally equipped for high velocity change and this is not their general practice. They are just coming out of a long time practice of generally waiting for the change to stabilize before responding. This practice no longer works because of the velocity of change and this is a great example of how the velocity of change increases the velocity of failure.

In order to avoid, or at least respond and change to the changes that will drive failure retailers must not only become more nimble and open to executing change and they must become increase their knowledge of the factors driving change, they must focus on the factors that will allow them to sense and respond to change. The most important aspect is the improved ability to sense the changes and then the analytics to understand how to respond. The sense practice becomes the early warning of direction and types but the most important aspect is the analytics to understand how and when to respond. The velocity of change and most importantly, the velocity and volume of data available in the marketplace has dramatically increased the velocity of failure and as the volume of data increases both the velocity of change and failure increases. Retailers, and truly all partners in the marketplace, must focus on the data and the analytics in order to sense and respond appropriately to the change.

There is an even greater change that is disrupting the marketplace now; the change that is important today can be the failure of tomorrow. This is probably the greatest marketplace disruption factor. Amazon is probably the best example of the velocity of change and change experiments to understand the marketplace. Amazon is continuously implementing change as a means to experiment and better understand the market and also the potential. Google is another example from the technology and retail sector that has focused on experimentation to meet and create the marketplace. These practices should be mimicked by others to ensure their success and most importantly reaction and change to avert failure.

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