Thursday, February 8, 2018

Retail Communication And Collaboration

The retail omni market requires a robust and flexible communication and collaboration framework to support the changing consumer demands.  This requires a coordinated and open communications platform that engages the consumer and retail partners to encourage and support collaboration and integration.  This framework requires a control aspect that directs and coordinates the communications and connectivity that encourage collaboration.  The Internet provides the perfect delivery mechanism and game technology provides the perfect framework for the communications across disparate participants and partners.  The retail omni market demands this robust communications and requires a coordination across partners to ensure that the consumer and partner demands are directed in a manner that encourages engagement and collaboration.

Open and fluid communication provides the foundational framework for the retail omni market to react to the changing consumer demands and thrive.  This communication must be robust to support the demands across all parties, consumers, extended retail partners and especially the retailer themselves to encourage engagement and collaboration.  This framework will be best implemented using the practices and capabilities employed by group game technologies which allow for teams or groups to be defined to engage and collaborate without interference.  This technology does not require wholesale change to the eCommerce tools and technology however it does require additional administration to ensure smooth flow and respond to technology hiccups.

This communication and collaboration framework provides the glue or nourishment necessary for the omni market to flourish.  This does require an additional level of support to ensure the communications are safe between participants from both the personal data perspective and controls trolls in the market.  It must be an accepted and standard requirement to ensure the integrity and the safety of the communications in the retail omni market.  This means that retailers must get ahead of the curve now to shore up the communications framework to address changing demands and changing risks of the communication platform.   

Security issues and loss of personal data from the retailer communication platform will quickly kill the retailer’s site and this will lead to a slow eventual death of the retailer.  The retail omni market can bring great benefits to the retailer and can also bring great risk if the retailer is not on point with security and safety measures in their virtual practices.  In this retail marketplace there are not many large retailers left without a virtual presence of some sort, this is the cost of remaining in the market.  However, retailers must implement a robust security practice in order to protect consumers and their partners from malicious attacks.  This responsibility can be met more efficiently through a robust and centralized communication framework that includes the security protections along with the communication and collaboration tools to support the retail omni market.

And now for the audience participation portion of the show…

ECommerce will have wide ranging impacts on both the retail and manufacturing sectors.  How can you focus these abilities to improve the consumer's experience?  Improving the consumer’s experience will require a re-evaluation of the sales channels, the manufacturing channels and practices and the supply chain channels and practices from the raw materials to the consumers’ homes.  In order to ensure and maintain success in this new reality you must harness the tools and capabilities in many new areas.  How can you support these continuously changing requirements?

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