Saturday, November 17, 2018

Blockchain In The Collaborative Network

Blockchain is another technology expanding usage in the supply chain that will be expanding with the collaborative network as well to support and simplify the electronic sales process in particular.  Blockchain from a simplified perspective provides a means to track and trace activities and products through the supply chain for instance. These capabilities can be very useful in the retail omni channel environment as well to ‘tag’ products and services even through the purchase and delivery and provide the ability to track and trace purchases, warranty and service requirements without requiring the consumer to maintain a logjam of paperwork and calendar entries. The blockchain capabilities can easily be extended from the supply chain to provide product and service capabilities through the product life cycle that has the potential to simplify and improve both the process for the consumer from shopping to any product maintenance requirements.

I for one would welcome the simplification and benefits that can be provided by the blockchain practices to simplify the tracking and tracing of warranty and service requirements for my electronics, appliances and autos.  This expansion of the blockchain through the collaborative network could eventually eliminate the need to maintain all of the piles of paperwork everyone maintains for throughout their purchases. This would allow you to maintain the necessary maintenance records on your auto for instance that can be accessed throughout the industry from the auto’s cradle to grave providing valuable information for maintenance, recall and eventual resale of the auto.  This includes the type of recall information that is currently tracked through the auto VIN. The blockchain can allow the extension of the trace capabilities through the entire maintenance chain of the auto that can be used to support warranty claims.

As products become more complicated and therefore difficult to install, maintain and service the benefits fo the blockchain capabilities to support these needs also increases.  The complications introduced through the blockchain track and trace required to extend the reach of the blockchain as well will more than pay for themselves through the simplification of the warranty and maintenance process for consumers.  Then during the life cycle and maintenance of the products the blockchain technologies can provide the information required for warranty confirmation along with a history of the maintenance and repairs attached to the serial number of the product itself.  This becomes particularly valuable when the consumer moves around the nation and changes repair and service providers causing the ‘chain’ of maintenance to be broken.

It will only be a matter of time before the blockchain technologies begin the march through the entire consumer supply chain.  The value potential is great and the foundation is already a part of the supply chain. The expansion is a natural extension of the blockchain technology and practices that will be great benefits to the consumer. Consumers are already familiar and accepted the electronic receipts provided by many retailers and this will allow an easy transition to extend the blockchain into the everyday consumer life.  I see the blockchain as the next natural extension of the collaborative network and the initial expansion in electronics and appliances.

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